The machine works, and we have lost the responsibility of running the company, managing staff and getting caught up in the mundane PI/compliance functions. We are now enjoying giving the clients a far better service and generally have been freed up to do what we enjoy doing. We’re in a good place and have happy clients.
Yes, there are frustrations but nothing is perfect. You’re never going to find perfection, but AFH is going in right direction and you can’t ask for more than that. I’m happy being an IFA and working with my clients without the constant distraction of managing the larger business. My work life balance is much improved, and I have more time to spend with my clients and importantly my family. If you’re ready to make the change, AFH is the place for it.
Yes, there are frustrations but nothing is perfect. You’re never going to find perfection, but AFH is going in right direction and you can’t ask for more than that.
I’m happy being an IFA and working with my clients without the constant distraction of managing the larger business. My work life balance is much improved, and I have more time to spend with my clients and importantly my family. If you’re ready to make the change, AFH is the place for it.
It was the right decision for me and Broadleaf clients and secured not only mine but their financial future.
The underlying ethos of the firm is exactly that which I had felt during the due diligence process. It is one which provides the foundation for a resilient and professional financial advice service with a focus upon innovation, clarity and providing excellent value for money to clients.
Working Self-Employed under the AFH banner has provided me with the opportunity to eventually reduce my working days in the fullness of time. I have no intention to retire, and I am happy with how the deal has panned out for me. If you’re looking to sell your business you need to make sure the deal is honoured. I can only say that Alan was good to his word and I have no regrets.
Working Self-Employed under the AFH banner has provided me with the opportunity to eventually reduce my working days in the fullness of time. I have no intention to retire, and I am happy with how the deal has panned out for me.
If you’re looking to sell your business you need to make sure the deal is honoured. I can only say that Alan was good to his word and I have no regrets.
Of course, it is not all plain sailing, to have run my own business for twenty-four years and then have key decisions taken away from me, some of which I am not at all happy about, can be tough. But all in all, I wouldn’t have done it any other way. AFH have some great people to work with.